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Here is one of the most effective solutions for uninstalling stubborn applications without the intervention of external applications

One of the problems related to uninstalling applications and it results in that the application itself cannot cancel the installation is that the application itself has powers that you previously had and agreed to without intending other than the powers that appear with you during the installation, or that the application got some programming problems with it while updating and did not It responds to the uninstall order, and also there is a possibility that the application runs behind the screen without interruption and when uninstalling the process stops as a result of the services running ... there are many possibilities that are the reason behind the uninstall process failure for a specific application and this was a source of concern to me A lot of users, where in this post we will present to you a suggestion that I find an effective solution to this problem and also available for all types of Android phones.

An effective solution to uninstall without problems

Many users of mobile devices encounter an application that they find a problem in uninstalling them in the usual and familiar way with Android devices, that is, the user only goes to the application settings section and then searches for the application and then clicks on the uninstall button, or the user clicks long on The application icon in the list of applications until options appear with him to click on the option to uninstall ... All this meets the purpose, but what happened with a second segment of users is despite the routine process of uninstalling the process appears with them one of the messages that the process of uninstallation has failed .

For this I find an effective and alternative solution to the success of this process is to do the uninstall process through the application store for Android phones and it is advisable to use the Google Play App Store being supported by the same company that built the Android system ...

And regarding this solution, you will only need to open the store app, after that you will have to open the list of additional options by swiping the screen from left to right, followed by choosing the Mes Jeux et applications option, then directly a new window will open with you that includes all the applications installed on the phone.

In our case, we will choose an application, for example, the Mon Address Ip application. Click on it until the application page opens with you on the store, then you will still have the option of Desinstaller and in the end you will have to agree and wait for the installation process to finish ...

The beautiful thing about this solution is that in the event that applications are difficult to uninstall here, Google Play administrators will be familiar with this matter and fix it.

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