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Boston Dynamics begins marketing its robots Spot

The star of the robot, Boston Boston Dynamics, has brightened the spot in the recent period dramatically, as it has a lot of jobs, which prompted the manufacturer to suggest it for sale on a large scale, after it was not widely available in the last period, but the price will not make it affordable everybody.

And the Singaporean media had indicated last month about the Singaporean authorities' use of Boston Dynamics Spot robots to remind people to maintain the social separation between them and identified in two meters in public places, and these robots will be equipped with cameras in addition to they broadcast a voice message urging Respect the laws.

This matter opened the door for Boston Dynamics for the first time to offer its Spot robots for sale on a large scale, especially with the emergence of many possible uses for them, and the company announced that its dog-like robot would be available for sale for $ 74500 USD, but in return it provided a number of tips for using it from Among them is not to place it close to children or people who are not aware of how to use it.
Given its high price, it seems clear that the Spot robot will be primarily for companies, not for the general public.

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